When someone asked me the other day if Denmark celebrates Halloween, I had to think about it for a bit. My natural answer would be “Of course!” but I recently found out that Halloween came to Denmark about ten years ago. My host sister said she did not know what it was until she was in the fifth grade. Imagine missing such a key holiday of your childhood! Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen pumpkins, scary window displays, and Tivoli, the amusement park in Copenhagen has been reopened with a Halloween theme. Even if Danes think it’s a “silly American holiday,” I still love getting dressed up and going trick or treating. I’m not sure what I will be doing on Halloween since I will be traveling to Austria on my travel break next week!!
The countdown has begun, and let me just say that planning a trip is exhausting and more stressful than I initially thought. Well on top of flights, you also have to consider hostels, transportation, baggage, meals, etc… Hillary and I are almost done planning our entire trip with a few loose ends to tie up. It’s been a month long process, but I’m so excited. Our itinerary is Vienna, Salzburg, Paris, Prague, and then Italy to meet my mom!
Also, I went to a cooking class last week! Hillary could not go, so I went to her class on “Autumn Comfort Food.” Yes, I did successfully cook something that did not require a microwave… We made vegetable soup, bread, and apple cobbler. It was the perfect comfort food after a busy week of midterms. In Copenhagen, the temperature has already dropped to about forty degrees, so the soup definitely warmed me up!
While I am on the subject of food as I seem to be on in every single blog post, I have fallen in love with a cupcake bakery in central Copenhagen called Agnes Cupcakes. Here is the link for all the cupcake lovers out there: http://agnescupcakes.dk/. Check out the cheesecake cupcake! There are so many delicious flavors. I tried caramel and am planning on bringing some home for my host family next week. By the way, my host family did not know what a cupcake was until I explained it to them last week!

Last Friday, my host family took me to “Culture night in Copenhagen.” For 85 krones, approximately $17, all the museums and attractions in Copenhagen had free admission. My host family took me to one of the television studios where Danish talk and reality shows are filmed. (Side note: How perfect was that trip since I love watching Danish reality television with my host family.) We also went to the National Museum and the royal stables. I met up with my friend, Patti, and we went to Rosenborg Castle, where the crown jewels are located. I love roaming the streets of Copenhagen because there’s always something new around the corner.