Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Huey Lewis, Hot Chocolate, Hoppípolla & Hygge

Tonight, I’m feeling a bit sentimental and “hyggelig.” If you ever speak with a Dane, ask them what the word “hygge” means. The direct translation in English is “coziness,” but that is not an accurate, complete definition. Hygge is a traditional concept in Danish culture. It describes feelings of familiarity, closeness, and warmth for Danes during the cold winter months. A website shares:

“Gather the family and invite over a couple of good friends. Push the sofas and chairs up close to the coffee table. Douse the electricity and light some candles. Better yet, light a fire in the hearth.
Serve plenty of food and drink. Raise a toast or two, or three, and feel the warmth flow around the table. Look at each other until you see the candlelight shimmering in each other’s eyes. You've got hygge!”

So if I needed a word to describe how a feel right now, that would be it! While I was preparing for my travels in August, I had the most difficult time deciding what to bring my host family for a gift. I eventually chose a Yankee candle with a vanilla cupcake scent and presented it to them when I arrived. We have been saving the candle for a special occasion, and tonight we finally decided to light it. I brought Agnes cupcakes home for my host siblings and host parents. They tried Apple, Mocha, Orange Delight, and Dark Chocolate while I chose Red Velvet. We talked for about an hour over cupcakes, coffee, and chocolate milk. While it was just one night out of the many I have spent in Copenhagen, I know I will always remember it. Sometimes it is the smallest moments that have the biggest effect.

Speaking of small, precious moments in Copenhagen, after my group meeting yesterday I decided to do some reading in a cafe. There are about four per street in Copenhagen, so it was not difficult to find one. Of course, all the prices were ridiculous (Five dollars for a chai tea!?!). Anyways, I could not decide which one to go into until I walked into one and heard “You don’t need money, don’t take fame/ Don’t need no credit card to ride this train/ It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes/ But it might just save you life/ That’s the power of love.” If you do not know what I am talking about right now, please go rent the Back to the Future trilogy! That song, “The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis has special significance for me. My dad and I used to listen to it almost every day that he drove me to school in high school, so I took that as a sign that I was supposed to read in that cafe and enjoy the rest of the afternoon with some hot chocolate.

As for the last part of my title, “Hoppípolla,” it is the title for an Icelandic song. I heard it yesterday for the first time, and it always puts me in the best mood even if it is not in English. There is something about it that I love. I hope it brightens your day:

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